Friday, April 07, 2006


Love Song to J. Eli Lilly - Brain Chemistry Meets the Alphabet

LBJ took the IRT down to 4th street USA When he got there, what did he see? The youth of America on LSD. LBJ, IRT, USA, LSD LSD, LBJ, FBI, CIA Initials, Hair Soundtrack

I thought I was suffering from PMS and then they said no, the DSM said it was probably PMDD and they gave me an SSRI. Luckily I don't have OCD or PTSS, but if I did the same pill would do the trick! I think I'm developing a new illness...acronym-itis!

Initially developed to combat depression, the mysteries of the SSRI's are still being uncovered. But something went wrong, less than a decade into production, the media, the facts, or both, had transformed Eli Lily's cash cow from a "depression miracle cure" to a "columbine-esque-suicide-causing" wild card.

Obviously action was required. To solve the problem, Lily had to do two things: 1) create a new illness that the same product could treat ("PMDD" (which sounded an awful lot like PMS but now required drug therapy)) and 2) rename the product (Prozac became Sarafam).

Thus on July 6, 2000 Eli Lilly announced the FDA approval of Sarafem(fluoxetine hydrochloride) for the treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).

After initial marketing success with PMDD, Lily found more "diseases" that responded to SSRI treatment: OCD, Anxiety, Post-Tramatic Stress, Panic Attacks, etc. etc. etc.

That is when the fun began. We need a name for the 1-2 punch of "invent an illness" "rename a drug".

Coming soon: the "new" mood stabilizers

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